4 Easy Ways to Make Your Family Photos Funny - Nixplay Blog
Family Photography Ideas
BLOG//Photography//4 Easy Ways to Make Your Family Photos Funny

4 Easy Ways to Make Your Family Photos Funny

By: The Nixplay Team

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Are you tired of the same old family photos, featuring you and your little ones in white shirts, and an ocean backdrop? While these shots of your family’s perfect smiles and matching outfits may be the current trend, you should feel free to go against the grain. Why not take a different route, and create a family photo that is both amusing and original? Here are a few photography tips for family photographs, to make your pictures fun, and memorable:

Involve your Kids

Children are extremely creative, and have a natural ability to think outside the box. Let your little ones go into your closet, and see what they pull out first. How adorable and entertaining would it be to let your son wear Daddy’s tie and glasses, even though he’s still in diapers? Maybe your daughter would look darling in Mommy’s pearls, while still wearing her onesie. Your kids are bound to come up with some ideas worth sharing, and you’ll be able to spread the fun instantly with the Nixplay Mobile App.

Let Your Children Run Wild

Another option, also involving the kids, is to let them run free for a few minutes on their own. If you let your son run wild, he might do something hilarious that would look great on camera, like climbing a tree in the backyard, or giving his little sister a piggy-back ride. Shooting at the beach? A face plant in the sand could make for a comical shot. The same goes for a snowy scene, as well. Are you near a playground? Give your children free reign of the park’s equipment, and join them for some fun shots, and huge smiles on the slide.

Use Props to Build Your Own Scene

Parents can be very imaginative when building their own scene, and it doesn’t have to be elaborate. In fact, the simpler the props, the funnier the tone. If you have a newborn who is not yet capable of any major poses, why not wait until she is sound asleep, and create a scene around her. Use bed sheets and stuffed animals to make it look like she is in a jungle. Put an empty gallon of ice cream next to the baby so it looks like they’re in a food coma from too much Ben & Jerry’s. The possibilities are endless, and you can tap into your own sense of humor.

Photoshop for Laughs

If you want to be especially humorous, take a few shots of the family, and then work your Photoshop skills. You don’t have to be that tech savvy, either. Cut out parts of one photo, and paste them into another for a funny scene. For example, how funny would a traditional shot of your family look if it was placed alongside the Royal Family, or another famous face?  Maybe you could plant your family right in front of the Hollywood sign, or put them next to some flamingos at the zoo. The possibilities are endless, especially when you can use your Nixplay Edge to share the finished product.

Our entire line of NIX Digital Frames is ideal for displaying family photography, and then work your Photoshop skills. We also offer Nixplay WiFi Cloud Frames for those who want to instantly view photos without a memory card or stick. Visit our website, and find the frame that is right for you.

Bea is Nixplay’s Social Media Manager. She enjoys drinking coffee, reading about wars, and writing stories. Send her a message at beatrice.bisais@nixplay.com.
