8 Adorable Ideas to Brighten Up Your Baby Photos
8 Adorable Ideas to Brighten Up Your Baby Photos
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8 Adorable Ideas to Brighten Up Your Baby Photos

By: The Nixplay Team

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When it comes to subjects for photographs, babies pretty much top the list (with animals a close second).

And while the everyday, on-the-fly shots that parents are pros at are special in their own way, it can be fun to switch up your photos every once in a while with some new ideas. This is especially true if you’re going to display your little one’s pictures on one of our cloud Wi-Fi frames like the Nixplay Iris – this way, you can give your guests something unexpected to look at every now and then.

Newborn Photography – Which Style is Right for You?

via Cole’s classroom

Here are 8 adorable ideas for taking baby photos.

Break out the silly hats.

A sweet ensemble like this knit dinosaur diaper cover and hat take the cuteness over the top. Whether they’re animal-inspired, sports-themed, or just a too-big hat from Mommy or Daddy, hats can add a bit of silliness to your baby’s photo.


via PopSugar Moms

Add a prop.

Props can be a fun way to express your family’s identity. If you’re a bunch of readers, give baby one of your favorite books. Music lovers? Let your little one try on your headphones – maybe you’ll get results as good as these parents did.


via Hongkiat

Be irreverent.

Who says your photos have to be all angelic smiles and sweet little sleepers? Unleash your creativity and have some fun. If your baby has siblings, involve them in the process. They’ll surely come up with some great ideas.


via Bored Panda

Include mom and/or dad.

Including mom or dad in the shot can make for an extra heartwarming image. And it’s so easy to prepare for, too: All you have to do is spend some quality time together doing something you both love.


via Bored Panda

For a wintertime portrait, bundle up baby.

If you live in a place with cold winters – and better yet, snow – bundle baby up in a colorful hat, scarf, coat, and mittens and head outside. Close-ups of baby’s face, like the one above, can be especially memorable.


via Tinyprints

Get them laughing.

No one knows how to make your little one laugh like you do, so go ahead – use your talent! Photos of laughing babies and children are never out of place, and can brighten up a room in an instant.


via Tinyprints

“Paint” a background for your sleeping baby.

You may not have the artistic talent – or the extremely tolerant sleeper – of photographers like Sioin Queenie Liao, but you can still put together a fun backdrop for your photos. The trick is to get everything ready before baby falls asleep, so you can put her down in the scene once she’s out.


via Wengenn in Wonderland

Do a time-lapse series.

You might know these two cuties as Theo and Beau, the puppy-toddler nap buddies who took the internet by storm a couple of years ago. Beau’s mom took a picture of the two of them napping together every day, and as you can see, she’s continued as they both have gotten older (there’s even a third nap buddy now – Beau’s little sister, Evangeline).

Taking a series of photos of your kids in the same places, doing the same things, or in the same pose can be a beautiful and poignant way to document the passing of time.



via Barkpost

We hope these photo ideas help you fill your digital frames with priceless images of your little ones. To find the perfect digital photo frame for your family, visit the Nixplay store.

Bea is Nixplay’s Social Media Manager. She enjoys drinking coffee, reading about wars, and writing stories. Send her a message at beatrice.bisais@nixplay.com.

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