5 Signs You Have The Coolest Dad In The World
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BLOG//Lifestyle//5 Signs You Have The Coolest Dad In The World

5 Signs You Have The Coolest Dad In The World

By: The Nixplay Team

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All fathers have the ability to transform into different forms, depending on the occasion. The man you’ve always known as a typical Workaholic Dad might turn into a Sporty Dad while coaching his son’s baseball team, then he’ll morph into a Geek Dad when he finally gets to put up his feet after dinner to watch his favorite TV show. And while all fathers are amazing, the best ones are, without a doubt, the Cool Dads—the kind of dad who always made you feel like you’re the luckiest kid in the world. Here are five signs that you have the coolest Dad in the world.

Your dad let you find your own path in life.

Some parents have very specific ideas of what their kids should be when they grow up: A doctor, a lawyer, maybe an engineer. Others expect their children to follow in their footsteps, or take over the family business. A cool dad won’t expect you to live out his dream, but will encourage you to follow your heart and do what you really want to do.

Your dad embraces his playful side.

When you were a kid, you probably have a friend whose dad who terrified you to no end. He wasn’t doing anything wrong per se, but he just gave off this intimidating, I’m-watching-you vibe that makes you want to get out of his sight immediately. And on the other hand, you have a friend who’s got a cool dad—one who’d crack jokes with you and your friends, whom you can ask for advice on even the most mundane things, and whom you don’t mind playing basketball or football with on a summer afternoon. A cool dad is reliable, but he also knows when to have fun.

Your dad treats your mom like the queen she is.

A truly cool dad knows how to treat his woman right. He loves and respects his wife, and won’t attempt anything that will harm his family. He sees his wife as his equal and never dismisses her role in the household. He’s an amazing role model not just to his children, but also to other families.

Your dad does the most selfless things for your family.

When you become an adult and realize just how hard it is to make money, you’ll gain a newfound appreciation of the things you probably took for granted as a child. Just think: Your mom and dad managed to provide for all your needs, put you through school, buy your toys and books, and take you on vacations. These don’t come cheap, and your dad probably scrimped and saved every cent he got just so you can have a great childhood. There’s also the small acts that prove how much your dad loves you, like waking up before dawn on weekends to take you to baseball practice and driving for hours on family vacations. See how much your dad loves you?

Your dad proudly uses or displays the things you made for him.

Remember all your janky middle school crafts projects? If your dad can display every single one of them on his desk at work, he would. He’d also have your childhood crayon drawings professionally framed, along with all the greeting cards you cobbled together for his past birthdays. You’re the love of his life, and in his eyes, everything you create is a masterpiece, a gift to be treasured for life.

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