What Makes Your Dad A Cool Dad?
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BLOG//Lifestyle//What Makes Your Dad A Cool Dad?

What Makes Your Dad A Cool Dad?

By: The Nixplay Team

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Cool dads come in all shapes and sizes. While you can easily identify some cool dads right off the bat, other fathers’ coolness indicators take a little time before they are revealed. Below, some doting sons and daughters reveal what makes their dad truly cool.

“My cool dad helped me to become an adult.”

“My dad showed me the ropes of adulting. He taught me how to drive when I was 15 (he was gripping the hand brake the whole time). He guided me as I assembled furniture when I moved into my college dorm. He gave me my first bottle of beer when I turned 21, and he told me to learn how to handle my alcohol so I wouldn’t be taken advantage of. He understood that I’ll be doing these things eventually, and decided to impart his wisdom early on instead of keeping me shielded from the ‘real world.’” – Deb, 29

“My cool dad is a fitness buff.”

“When it comes to fitness, my dad, who’s in his 60s, can put some people half his age to shame. He makes it a point to exercise every day, and he only skips his workouts when he’s ill (which is very rare). He’d either play tennis for two hours or do a 6-mile run. He also joins marathons and triathlons—he’s actually training for the Ironman race in Lake Placid this July.” – Sam, 32

“My cool dad supported me when I came out.”

“I realized that I was gay when I was in middle school. I knew I needed to tell my family, but I was terrified of how they will react. I was especially scared of telling my dad, who’s a pastor. Before I told my parents, I packed an overnight bag and asked a friend if I can sleep over at his house, just in case I get banished from home. But I need not have worried: My father assured me that he’ll always love me no matter what and that he’ll always be my biggest fan. I now work as a makeup artist and every time I post photos of some of my clients on Instagram and Facebook, he’ll always ‘like’ them and leave comments about how great my work is!” – Lio, 30

“My cool dad let me do the things I wanted to do (within reason!).”

“My dad is cool because he was not overbearing. Unlike other parents who would immediately say ‘no’ when their kids ask if they can do something that might be a bit risky, my dad gave me enough free will to see for myself the repercussions of my actions. He never forced me to follow a certain career path or pressured me to become an achiever in school. He raised me and my siblings to be street-smart, independent, and discerning, and I’ll always be grateful to him for that.” – Taylor, 24

“My cool dad is the most brilliant man I know.”

“My father is the smartest person I know. Everyone he works with looks up to him and seeks his advice, and he gives the best tips. He just knows the right thing to do at the right time, and his words have never let me down. I can only hope to be half the man he is.” – Feliza, 35

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