How to Start a Photography Blog
how to start a photography blog
BLOG//Photography//How to Start a Photography Blog

How to Start a Photography Blog

By: Alice Murray

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Every creative professional has probably been asked the same question at one point in their career: “Why don’t you start a blog?

If you’re looking to build an online presence, starting a blog is the perfect way to add a little personality to your portfolio. As a photographer, your voice, passion, and identity are revealed in your approach to the art. With a photography blog, you can showcase your favorite snapshots in a public space where you can also discuss your techniques, the gear you use, and the projects you will undertake.

The thought may seem a little daunting at first, as you begin to wonder how to approach it. But don’t worry. We’ve pulled together some top tips on how to start a photography blog to help you exhibit your talent. Find out how to start your own photography blog, how to make money with a photography blog, and more below.

How To Start A Photo Blog

We’ve outlined the most important steps on how to blog photography on your own website to help get you started.

The Build
First things first, you need to build your blog from scratch. Here is a brief overview of the steps you need to take when setting up a photography blog:

  1. Register a domain name – this is the “address” to your new “home” on the internet.
  2. Set up website hosting
  3. Install the software/CMS from your chosen blog site, e.g. WordPress
  4. Choose a theme

If you can afford it, we recommend that you host your own blog. This means that you pay for your web server and website domain (it typically costs $10-$15 a month), and though you might pay a bit more, you can rest easy knowing that you own your own content and blog website.

The Design

Before choosing a theme for your blog, think about your content. Make sure it will naturally suit your chosen theme while reflecting your personality. Opting for a customizable theme is always preferable so you can make any necessary changes.

When choosing the design of your blog, also consider sticking to one column. This view typically offers the best reader experience and makes it “mobile optimized”, so your audience can read on their phones, whenever and wherever. This is important, as most web surfers are now accessing the internet from their phones and tablets. Also, try to keep your menu bar streamlined with as little options as possible to make it easier for the user to navigate.

The Content

When you start your first photography blog, it’s important to upload regular content to keep up with demand. So on the days that you can’t make it out for a special trip, ensure you’re still using your camera around your local area. And even if you may specialize in landscape or architectural photography, make sure you also include the odd portrait or a shot of something personal so that you can humanize your blog and give your readers a glimpse of the person behind the camera.

If you want to avoid posting your personal memories online but still want a way to showcase them and share them with loved ones, a Nixplay frame is your best bet. Simply display your snaps in your own home and share them with family and friends.

But a photography blog isn’t just about achieving the perfect shot. Add value by providing top tips on lighting, effects, or your favorite equipment. You could also take a more journalistic approach by expressing your opinions on a topic, or telling a story about what you saw through the viewfinder. Find the style that works best for you.

Your photography blog offers a place for you to curate and display your favorite shots, where readers can learn more about you and your work. But you don’t just have to post your own work on your blog. Why not share some insights with your readers, and make a post about your favorite artists? Just remember to give credit where credit is due, and acknowledge the other person behind the camera.

Before creating and posting content, you should consider your audience. Who are you targeting? What message do you want to send to your readers? Nailing down your target audience is a crucial part of setting up a photography blog that is destined for success.

Top Tips For Setting Up A Photography Blog

Discover our top tips on how to start a photography blog successfully:

  • Choose the right equipment for the job. Whether you’re a beginner or an expert, there’s a photography kit out there for you.
  • Think of a catchy domain name or handle. Think of one that users will remember and relate to.
  • If you’re starting out with a free blog like Wix or WordPress, you may want to consider upgrading to a professional account once your blog has gained some traction.
  • Never take your blog too seriously. Your photography blog is your personal playground, a place for you to share your photos, ideas, links, and inspiration. With technology, there are no limits.
  • Don’t get too hung up on stats like page views. These figures may fluctuate often, so checking them every day may make you feel unmotivated.

Just getting your skills started? Discover our top tips on how to get started in photography, from choosing the right equipment to taking the perfect shot.

How To Make Money With A Photography Blog

Professional photography is a competitive field, but there are several ways to monetize your blog so you can earn some dollars on the side. You can run display ads or sell your artwork, and there are photography sites available that will help you connect with potential buyers.

Then, once you’ve built up your audience, consider running photography workshops. You can engage with your readers, share your skills, and gain some extra cash. These might be online workshops or they might take place in your studio.

How To Start A Photography Instagram

If you’re wondering how to start a photography business on Instagram, you should approach it in a way similar to approaching a photography blog. However, followers often expect an Instagram feed to maintain a cohesive style or subject matter. Users typically decide whether to follow an account based on their latest nine images, so make sure that the top of your feed represents you and your style. Also use plenty of relevant, popular hashtags, follow similar accounts, and link out to your blog from your profile bio to gain more traffic.

And that’s how to start a photography blog! Hopefully, we’ve encouraged you to get started on setting up a photography blog to showcase your favorite snaps. If you’re looking for the best place to store your photos off the internet, perhaps you have some more private, personal photos that you don’t wish to share online, a digital frame is your best bet. For a completely personal solution, Nixplay digital photo frames come with ample storage, so you can share your favorite private memories with those who are closest to you, making it the perfect device for a professional photographer. Browse the collection online today.
