4 Secrets To Staying Productive During Summer
how to stay productive during summer
BLOG//Lifestyle//4 Secrets To Staying Productive During Summer

4 Secrets To Staying Productive During Summer

By: Mars Salazar

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It’s not easy to stay focused and productive during the summer months. Fortunately, it’s not impossible. Whether you’re focused on your studies or holding down the fort at the office, here are a few ways you can stay on track during the next few weeks.

Remember Your Goals

Staying motivated can be difficult when it seems like everyone around you is on vacation mode. It’s never been more important to keep track of your goals. Write them down and stick them somewhere you’ll always see. Keep the ball rolling by focusing on self-improvement: Learn a new skill, improve on your favorite hobbies, and take on more responsibilities. 

Stick To A Routine

A routine can make your day-to-day more efficient. A set schedule may seem dull for some, but blocking specific hours to eat, rest, and work on certain tasks can help you feel more in control, keeping your mind clear and allowing you to stay productive. It’s also great for starting new habits.

Try The Pomodoro Technique

The temptation to slack off can spike during summer. You could be physically at work, but your mind is probably in a tropical paradise somewhere, sipping a fruity cocktail poolside. Stay focused by using the Pomodoro technique: work for 25 minutes straight, take a short break when the timer rings, then dive into your next task. It’s simple, inexpensive, and does the trick. You’ll be done with your to-do list in no time!

Make Time For Fun

All work and no play can make a person feel dull and miserable, especially when the sun is shining outside your fluorescent-lit workplace. If you feel like you’re on the verge of burning out, take advantage of your personal leaves and take a day off–just make sure to delegate your tasks before you go out and have fun!

Photo by Georgia de Lotz on Unsplash

Marianne is Nixplay’s Web Content Editor. Her hobbies include exploring new places, playing table tennis, and cuddling puppies. Send her a message at marianne.salazar@nixplay.com.
