What To Do On A Staycation
What to do on a staycation
BLOG//Lifestyle//What To Do On A Staycation

What To Do On A Staycation

By: Alice Murray

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Taking a vacation isn’t always easy. Either it’s too expensive or too time-consuming, or you’ve simply run out of ideas on where to go. The good news is, more people are opting to stay at home for a summer staycation—and with good reason!

Who says you need to venture to a luxury resort or go abroad for a worthwhile vacation? If you fancy the idea of spending your summer break camping in your backyard, cooking up a storm in the kitchen, or finally making a dent in your endless Netflix list, our top staycation tips prove there really is no place like home.

Enhance Your Cooking Skills

Getting your hands dirty in the kitchen is always a productive way to kill some time. As you’re not spending a fortune on plane tickets or a new vacation wardrobe this summer, use the cash you’d spend otherwise on a set of cookbooks to learn how to get more creative with your food.

If you don’t fancy getting messy in your own kitchen, tickle your taste buds by attending a local cookery class and mastering some new recipes. The next time you host a dinner party, you’re guaranteed to impress your guests!

Leave Your Front Door

Make the most of your summer staycation time and venture beyond the familiar territory of your doorstep.

There is always plenty to see and do during the summer months, regardless of where you live. A summer staycation is the perfect opportunity to get to know your own town and dabble in the local culture. Where are the top-rated eateries? Are there any boutique shops you’ve always wanted to check out? Which local attractions or events can you visit?

Whether you’re going alone or taking a friend along with you, we highly recommend throwing yourself in at the deep end and signing up for a community program, an arts and crafts course, or a challenging workout class. Whatever it is, it’s a new experience to tick off the list.

Experiment With Home Photography

If you’re a budding photographer (which is pretty much anyone with a smartphone these days, right?) why not try your hand at some home photography?

Developing your skills—on either a phone or a camera—isn’t as complicated as you might think. Whichever device you’re using, you can enhance your home photography by experimenting with new angles, editing apps, props, lighting, and lenses.

If you’re passionate about showing off your home’s interiors, improving your garden, or trying your hand at some still life photography, you could even create a Pinterest board or an Instagram account to show off your work. Not only will this take your photos one step further, but it will also help you build a following of likeminded photographers and share your thoughts and ideas with them. (Don’t forget to follow Nixplay on Instagram and on Pinterest!)

Whatever you’re taking photos of and whichever style of home photography you’re trying out, displaying your images proudly in your home on a digital photo frame ensures you’ll never lose sight of them.

Take A Short Road Trip

A summer staycation doesn’t necessarily mean limiting yourself to your surrounding area.

If you’re staying close to home for your summer staycation, you can combine travel and photography by taking a short road trip to a nearby landmark, coastline, or nature reserve.

Don’t fret about making a detailed itinerary: The best and most exciting way to plan a road trip is to not plan it at all! Throw the map out of the window, set a time limit for yourself, and just drive. Wherever you end up is an opportunity to broaden your horizons, see different places, and create new memories.

The best part of a short road trip? You’ll be snuggled up in your own bed before the sun goes down!

Upgrade Your Home

Nothing gives you more peace of mind than de-cluttering your home. So, if you’re looking for productive things to do on a staycation, you can’t go wrong with an interior revamp.

Start by saying goodbye to all the clothes you haven’t worn for over a year and donate them to a charity of your choice. Next, go from room to room and throw away anything that’s collecting dust —it’s better off in a trash bag than gathering germs on your desk. Finally, make good use of your rubber gloves and give your house a deep clean.

Now that the hard part is over, you can reward yourself by upgrading your home with something you’ve always wanted. Whether you’re remodeling your kitchen, spending money on some new wall art, or adding a slick gadget to your collection, any addition to your home is an improvement.

Embracing Your Summer Staycation

Vacations aren’t always about sticking to a tight activity schedule. Sometimes, it’s better to simply unplug, relax, and watch the world go by.

You might want to do nothing except take a week-long nap, watch movies, and stay wrapped in your duvet. And that’s fine! The time you enjoy wasting is never wasted—and self-care is important.

Whatever you’re doing on your summer staycation is worth savoring. So why not keep the memories alive forever on an advanced digital display in your home? Our range of frames will inspire you to view and share your favorite moments in the best way. Browse our selection of high-tech digital photo frames today!
