Unique Easter Egg Hunt Ideas You Should Try This Year
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BLOG//Holidays//Unique Easter Egg Hunt Ideas You Should Try This Year

Unique Easter Egg Hunt Ideas You Should Try This Year

By: Mars Salazar

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No matter what your age is, you’ll never be too old for an Easter Egg Hunt. It’s one of those games that always brings out everyone’s competitive side, and the mad scramble that ensues can be infectious.

This year, make your Easter Egg Hunt more fun by adding an interesting twist or two. Read on for some ideas!

Easter Egg Scavenger Hunt

We’re pretty sure you know how scavenger hunts work, so doing one for Easter should get everyone excited. First, map out the route the participants will take–they can start in the living room, then the kitchen, then the backyard, then the neighborhood park. Write down a series of clues, each one leading the contestants to the next destination, and insert each clue in a plastic egg. The first contestant to figure out all the clues will get the grand prize.

Golden Ticket Easter Egg Hunt

Want to raffle off one big prize and maybe a few smaller prizes on Easter? Write them down on small pieces of paper and place the paper inside plastic eggs. Hide these eggs around the place, along with other eggs with candy inside. Ask the kids to collect the eggs, and get them to open their eggs at once at the end of the game.

Spell-Your-Name Easter Egg Hunt

This game works best if only a few people will join the Easter Egg Hunt. Write each letter of every participant’s nickname on an egg, and hide the eggs around the place. The first contestant that can spell his or her name with the eggs wins.

Decorate-Your-Own Egg Hunt

Prepare some paint, brushes, markers, and other decorating materials, and get the contestants to decorate one egg each at the start of your party. After a few hours, when the decorations have dried, ask the contestants to hide their eggs around the place. Then, prompt them to look for each other’s eggs, making sure they can’t get their own egg. The contestant with the most number of eggs gathered wins!

Needle-In-A-Haystack Egg Hunt

Get a small inflatable pool and a lot of plastic eggs. Pick a few eggs, and insert strips of paper indicating the prizes in them–these will be the lucky eggs. Fill the other eggs with candy, popcorn kernels, seeds, or just leave them empty. Then, place all the eggs inside the pool, and give each person a few seconds to find the lucky eggs. The contestants can be blindfolded if you want to make the game more challenging.

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Marianne is Nixplay’s Web Content Editor. Her hobbies include exploring new places, playing table tennis, and cuddling puppies. Send her a message at marianne.salazar@nixplay.com.
