5 Date Ideas For Valentine’s Day | The Nixplay Blog
date ideas valentine's day 2019
BLOG//Holidays//5 Date Ideas For Valentine’s Day

5 Date Ideas For Valentine’s Day

By: The Nixplay Team

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Valentine’s Day is coming up in a few days, and we’re beyond excited. We love celebrating love. To us, it’s not just a saccharine hallmark holiday, but an excuse to show those near and dear to us how much we appreciate their presence in our lives.

If you haven’t made any plans for V-day, fear not: We’re here to help. The best part is that you don’t have to be in a relationship to celebrate Valentine’s Day. As long as you’re capable of loving, then you’ve got a reason to revel in romance. Here are some ~*date ideas*~ you can try with the people you love on the 14th.

With your significant other

For those in a happy relationship, a Valentine’s Day celebration wouldn’t be complete without a little fanfare. And while a fancy dinner, complete with wine, flowers, and sweets, is par for the course on the holiday, going the sentimental route wouldn’t hurt either!

Surprise your S.O. by recreating your first date. Book the same place, order the same food (or go for the dish you wish you tried), and play songs that speak to your hearts. Trust us—they’ll swoon.

With your parents

Your parents—your first loves—deserve all the best, especially on Valentine’s Day. Spoil them by serving their favorite breakfast in bed, and let them enjoy the day by doing their chores (or get someone to do it for them). You can also spoil them with a day at the spa for some well-deserved pampering. Don’t forget to surprise mom with a lush bouquet of her favorite flowers!

With your kids

Time goes by so fast these days, and before you know it, your kids will be all grown up and leaving the nest. Relish each moment you can spend with your little ones, and take every chance to create fond memories with them. Take them out to the park for a fun afternoon—prepare a picnic, bring a kite, and enjoy the sunshine. Don’t forget to take lots of photos to display on your Nixplay Frame—you can get the Nixplay Iris at 25 percent off, only until February 14!

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With your best friends

Celebrate V-Day with your closest pals, the ones who have stood by your side through thick and thin! Plan a night in with your all-time favorite movies, food, and drinks (VERY important!), and spend the day reminiscing on the good old days. Got more cash to spare? Plan a trip to a destination you’ve always wanted to visit. Wouldn’t that be so much fun?

With yourself

You can’t celebrate Valentine’s Day without showing love to the person who needs it most: Yourself. You have to learn to love yourself, flaws and all, before you can love others. So go ahead and spoil yourself a little on the 14th: treat yourself to your favorite pastry, get that thing you’ve been eyeing for a long time, book a massage. Trust us: You totally deserve it.

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