5 Couples Share How They Got Together | The Nixplay Blog
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5 Couples Share How They Got Together

By: The Nixplay Team

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The most memorable love stories have the best beginnings. Let these romantic tales remind you that love can be found anywhere—especially where you least expect it.

Love is brewing

“I saw my then-girlfriend at a coffee shop one morning, and I thought it would be a good idea to sneak up behind her, cover her eyes, and whisper in her ear, ‘guess who?’. Unfortunately, I didn’t get the reaction I hoped for—she screamed and threw her scalding cup of coffee on my white shirt. Worse, it wasn’t my ex-girlfriend, but an equally fetching brunette. We apologized to each other, she offered to foot my shirt’s laundry bill, and we became friends after that. Eventually, my then-girlfriend and I broke up, and I mustered the courage to ask out the girl from the coffee shop. We’re on our third year together now!” – Leon, 27

Love is going up

“My boyfriend and I met in the weirdest way. He was working in a company headquartered a few floors above mine, and we had to ride the same elevator going to our respective offices. One day, it was only me and him inside the elevator—we didn’t know each other yet at that time. Then, power ran out and the elevator stopped midway while going up. I thought it only happened in movies or shows, but it actually happened to us! We were stuck in the elevator for around 20 minutes or so, and I was TERRIFIED. He was also scared, but he maintained his cool and distracted me to keep me from having a full-blown panic attack. A day after, he sent me flowers at my workplace, with a note saying he hoped I felt better. It was such a sweet and caring gesture, and I fell for him quickly.” – Lianne, 24

Love is blind

“My friend set me up on a movie blind date with his girlfriend’s best friend. What they didn’t know is that my group of friends had an intense rivalry with the best friend’s group of friends, and we couldn’t have been more different—I was quiet, and she was loud. So it was a bit awkward…then I accidentally knocked over her popcorn bucket. Good thing she was cool about it, and just joked that she doesn’t mind smelling like butter. I offered to take her out for dinner to make up for it. We’ve been together since.” – El, 26

Love is spilled

“I met my girlfriend when we were both traveling around Southeast Asia three years ago. We both attended a cooking class in Thailand that was hosted by the hostel we were staying at, and I knocked over a bowl of sauce on her workstation, spilling it all over the floor. Not a good first impression. She was so annoyed since she had to make the sauce again from scratch, haha. I offered to make it up to her with drinks, we got to chat properly, and we’ve been inseparable ever since.” – Philip, 31

Love is in the air

“I was sitting beside my crush at a party when my stomach started feeling queasy, and I let out a loud, stinky fart during a particularly quiet moment. Everyone was laughing and covering their noses and I was MORTIFIED. My crush, bless him, said that he was the culprit behind the gas bomb I dropped. Later, he asked me out on a date, saying he won’t mind if I fart again. The rest is history.” – Cara, 29

Got a silly love story of your own? Share it with the world on your Nixplay Iris frame! This Valentine’s Day, get up to 25 percent off the Nixplay Iris, only until February 14!
