One of the best things we have ever bought for our dad, Bill Hodges.
One of the best things we have ever bought for our dad, Bill Hodges.
BLOG//Customer Testimonials//One of the best things we have ever bought for our dad, Bill Hodges.

One of the best things we have ever bought for our dad, Bill Hodges.

By: Nina Faudale Hodges for Nixplay

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With the Hodges’ family spread out from Oregon to Virginia- this frame is one of the best things we have ever bought for our dad, Bill Hodges.

Bill is a wonderful father to 5 kids, grandfather and friend.  After the love of his life passed away after 62 years marriage- Bill moved to Virginia to live with Gene and his family.  He loved Virginia because the weather was so similar to Oregon.  After 3 1/2 years- he returned to Oregon to live closer to his 2 wonderful daughters, Nikki and Laurie.  After living with Nikki for 4 years- his health and home care needs led the family to move him to an Assisted Living Home.  For years, everyone had sent him pictures in the mail and he had placed them all over the walls.  It was hard for some family members to print the pictures and then mail them.  THEN- a friend told me that she bought Nixplay for her mother.  I got to see the ‘frame’ in action and I just knew we needed to buy one for Dad.


We had it sent to our Virginia home and got to work.  We emailed and texted all the family and told them how easy it was to ‘send’ pictures from their phones to the frame.  Within hours- we had over 300 pictures from Washington, Oregon, Nevada, North Carolina and Virginia.  College pictures, mountain scenery, wedding pictures, baby pictures, old pictures of loved pets- so many past and current memories that I didn’t know if we could forward this frame to dad because I was instantly in love with the pictures scrolling through all of our wonderful families.  

We sent the frame to Laurie and told her, “All you have to do it plug it in.”.  She immediately plugged it in.  Bill was so happy

A tear rolled down his cheek when he saw pictures of Barbara (his wife), a laugh escaped  him when he saw pictures of his grand kids from across the country and a smile never left his face as he watched the frame go through each picture.  

Gene has said that he thinks every Retirement Home should be required to place one of these in every room.

We have plans to purchase 2 more frames.  One for Nina’s parents and one for our own home. “

Bea is Nixplay’s Social Media Manager. She enjoys drinking coffee, reading about wars, and writing stories. Send her a message at

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