23 Questions to Help You Learn More About Your Mum This Mothering Sunday
23 Questions to Help You Learn More About Your Mum This Mothering Sunday
BLOG//Special Moments//23 Questions to Help You Learn More About Your Mum This Mothering Sunday

23 Questions to Help You Learn More About Your Mum This Mothering Sunday

By: Jo Middleton - Number #1 Mother's blog in UK - http://slummysinglemummy.com

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How much do you really know about your mum? Okay, so you might know a decent amount about her life since you were born, but how often do you take the time to talk to her about her life as a child, her own parents and grandparents, her hopes and aspirations?

This Mothering Sunday, why not ask your mum some questions about herself? You might discover a secret career as an international ballet dancer, a hidden dream of travelling the world by motorbike – who knows?

You could ask pretty much anything you like but in case you’re not sure where to start, I’ve come up with 23 questions that should get the conversation flowing.

Happy Mother’s Day!


Source: flor_ru

1. What’s your earliest childhood memory?

2. What was your favourite toy as a child?

3. How old were you when you learned to ride a bike and what was your first bike like?

4. At 16 years old, what were your career aspirations?

5. When you were seven years old, who was your best friend? What did you like most about them?

6. Who was the teacher that made the biggest impression on you?

7. What was your most memorable childhood holiday?

8. How did you feel when you first found out you were pregnant with me?

9. If you won the lottery tomorrow, what would be the very first thing you would spend money on?

10. How many times have you been in love?

11. What was your first pet?

12. Have you ever broken the law?

13. What’s the one thing you’re best at cooking? (And can I have the recipe?)

14. What’s your biggest regret?

15. What do you love most about yourself?

16. What was your life like before you had children?

17. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would be top of your list?

18. What was your first car and how did you get on learning to drive?

19. Who was your first crush?

20. What parts of yourself do you see in me?

21. Looking back, is there anything you would do differently now as a parent?

22. Do you think it’s easier or harder to be a mum now, compared to when I was born?

23. Who’s your favourite child? (Only kidding, probably best not to risk this one…)

Guest post: Jo Middleton, mum of two, living in Somerset, and creator of the award-winning blog Slummy Single Mummy.


Bea is Nixplay’s Social Media Manager. She enjoys drinking coffee, reading about wars, and writing stories. Send her a message at beatrice.bisais@nixplay.com.

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