Photo Playlist Ideas for That Nixplay Digital Frame You Got for Christmas
Photo Playlist Ideas for That Nixplay Digital Frame You Got for Christmas
BLOG//From The Nixplay Team//Photo Playlist Ideas for That Nixplay Digital Frame You Got for Christmas

Photo Playlist Ideas for That Nixplay Digital Frame You Got for Christmas

By: The Nixplay Team

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The presents have been opened, the tree taken down, and the ball has dropped in Times Square.

But if you’re one of the people who got a Nixplay WiFi Cloud Digital Frame for Christmas, the fun isn’t over yet! You’ve still got to put together your photo playlists.

Creating playlists out of your hundreds, even thousands, of photos, can be overwhelming. What themes should you use? How should you organize them?

That’s why we’ve put together these simple photo playlist ideas.

Family celebrations

Photos from birthdays, bat mitzvahs, graduations, and other celebrations can create a fun, joyful playlist that’s sure to lift your spirits even on days when you’re feeling glum.

One of the nice things about putting all these images together, rather than splitting them up by person or time period, is that it allows you to maintain that celebratory feeling from start to finish. Your celebration playlist is just as perfect for quiet evenings at home, when you’re feeling reminiscent, as it is for family get-togethers.

Love and marriage

If you’re part of a couple, you may want to create a playlist that celebrates your love. You could include pictures from early in your relationship, milestones like engagements, weddings, and anniversaries, and other fun, memorable moments from your life together.

Or perhaps you want to celebrate the love and commitment of your loved ones, as well. To do that, include pictures of couples among your friends and family whom you’re close to. It’s a wonderful reminder of the power of love, especially around Valentine’s Day.

Vacations and travel

Do you travel a lot, either for work or for pleasure? Instead of creating separate playlists for each of your trips, consider making one that displays the best moments from your trips throughout the years.

That may mean that swimming with sea turtles in Hawaii shows up next to eating hot peppers in Thailand, but that will just make the playlist more interesting. Of course, if you’ve got mountains of wonderful pictures from a particular trip that you want to showcase, creating a playlist for that trip is a great idea, too.

The Story of Us

Why not create a playlist that tells the story of you, whether that’s you and a spouse or partner, or you and your family?

You could start with wedding pictures or pictures of you and your partner when you were first dating. Then move on to milestones like your honeymoon, births of children, your first house, family vacations, and more. To help you decide which pictures to include, think of the playlist as a narrative of your lives together, and look for images that illustrate that story.

Playlists for children (or pets)

If you’ve got kids or babies, then they’re likely the subjects of most of your pictures. The same is true if you have pets. So if you’ve got hundreds of pictures of your little darlings, put them to good use in a photo playlist for your Nixplay Iris, Nixplay Seed, or Nixplay Edge.

You could go chronologically if you have older children, when the passage of time will be highly noticeable. If you’re giving a Nixplay WiFi Cloud Digital Frame as a gift to a child who’s graduating high school or college, these kinds of chronological playlists can make a wonderful addition.

Another option is to split the playlist up into themes: you could go by season, for example, or by holiday.

If you need some help navigating how to create playlists, or how to do anything else on your Nixplay WiFi Cloud Digital Frame, take a look at our library of how-to and support videos here.

Bea is Nixplay’s Social Media Manager. She enjoys drinking coffee, reading about wars, and writing stories. Send her a message at
