How Nixplay WiFi Cloud Frames Can Help Stay In Touch With Kids At Summer Camp
By: The Nixplay Team
Are you sending your kids to camp this summer? A couple weeks of time exploring the great outdoors will do them a world of good. Summer is great, but without school to tire your kids out, you’ll find yourself with a lot of free time in your hands. Summer camp is a great way to give your kids the chance to stay busy learning new skills while having a blast. But what do you do when your kids get homesick, or you start missing them? At Nixplay, we’ve got just what you’re looking for.
If your child isn’t allowed to have a phone at camp, then have them take a Nixplay WiFi Cloud Frame with them. That way, you can send them photos of you and the family – even the family pet, to help keep them from getting homesick.
Think about different ideas that might help them out at camp, like holding up signs with words of encouragement written on them. The Nixplay app also lets you add captions to your photos, so you personalize your message to your kids. If you have pets, naturally, dogs and cats can’t text or call, so why not send your child a few pictures of their furry friends?
If your child thinks they’re missing out on life at home, try sending them some pictures of you and your spouse doing chores or acting bored. Let them know they are missed. At the end of a long day, they can turn on their digital photo frame and see that they’re not missing anything at home—but they’ll still have pictures of family to help keep their spirits up.
But if your child does have a phone at camp, then you can have them send you pictures as well. Set up a Nixplay Wifi Cloud Frame in your home and you’ll be able to receive photos throughout the week, watching all the fun times they’re having and seeing all of their friends and camp counselors. You can send photos back and forth to each other’s frames during their time away at camp, keeping up to date with everything that’s going on at home and at camp. You might joke about getting your kids out of your hair for a while, but, let’s admit, parents end up missing their children even though kids can be quite a handful. With a Nixplay WiFi Cloud Frame, you’ll feel more connected with your child’s camp experience, without constantly texting and interrupting their fun.
Discover our range of WiFi Cloud frames today, and get yours in time for summer camp!

Bea is Nixplay’s Social Media Manager. She enjoys drinking coffee, reading about wars, and writing stories. Send her a message at