4 Ways To Congratulate Your New Grad
By: The Nixplay Team
Graduation season is a time that many high school and college seniors look forward to, and not just because they won’t have to attend a single class again. They look forward to the multitude of congratulatory presents and praise that awaits them. Whether you’re a family member or friend, it won’t be hard to find a great gift that will let the graduate in your life know how happy and proud you are of this accomplishment.
Since graduation marks a new chapter in a graduate’s life, it is best to think of potential gifts that will help them in their journey towards a higher education or employment. We have come up with a short list of useful gifts that any graduate would love.
A sturdy leather messenger bag
Your graduate will find this very useful when he or she is going off to college or job interviews. Leather not only looks great, but it’s also durable enough to hold school essentials, like a laptop or heavy books. For college grads, a leather bag goes well with any office wear, and can also keep their work computer and documents neat and tidy when they’re out and about.
A digital photo frame
For high school grads who are going to attend an out-of-state university, living away from home can be an exciting, but also nerve-racking prospect. No matter how much they crave this “moment of freedom,” homesickness can strike at any time. During these homesick moments, looking at photos of loved ones can help get them out of their lonely funk. A digital photo frame like the NIX Digital Frame is the perfect gift for your photo-obsessed graduate, because he or she can use it to quickly view endless pictures of family and friends. Even better, purchase a Nixplay Wi-Fi Cloud Frame that lets them see cloud-stored photos from their nightstand.
A cookbook of simple recipes
It’s no secret that college students and young professionals usually stretch their tiny budgets at the expense of their meals. If your graduate didn’t pick up your cooking skills, it would be a good idea to give him or her an excellent cookbook with recipes that are not only delicious, but also economical and relatively easy to follow. They will love you for giving them more food options than Top Ramen, instant mac and cheese, and frozen pizza.
Gift Cards
The reality is that new graduates are short on funds more frequently than they (and their parents) wish they were. If you want to help them during these moments without having to give them cold hard cash, gift cards are another great option. For instance, an Amazon gift card can get them groceries or even new clothes for work. There are so many other types of gift cards that you can give to your graduate, depending on what he or she likes. Restaurant and spa gift cards are also excellent choices any graduate would love.
Although this is a fairly short list of valuable, memorable gift ideas for graduates, there is a wide variety of choices out there. All of the items above are readily available online or at retail stores. And if you are looking to get a digital photo frame, you can visit the Nixplay website and browse our many models today.

Bea is Nixplay’s Social Media Manager. She enjoys drinking coffee, reading about wars, and writing stories. Send her a message at beatrice.bisais@nixplay.com.